Kelsie Belle


Kelsie Belle wears many hats – wife, mother and teacher are just a few. But the erotic romance writer hat is by far her favorite. She has been a storyteller for as long as she can remember, many characters live inside her overactive mind and a thousand stories come to life in her head every day. She’s been writing down her sweet romances ever since she was a teenager but in her early twenties, Ms. Belle became interested in erotic romance novels and her own stories took a turn for the sensual since then.

Kelsie is wildly gregarious by nature. She considers herself ‘forever 21’ and enjoys reading contemporary romance, Science fiction and fantasy, listening to music and dancing like there’s no tomorrow. A caffeine addict that lives life from one coffee mug to the next, she’s always on the go, ready and waiting for the next adventure.

This site is a promotional site for Kelsie’s work as an author and a way for her readers and fans to interact with her.

Author Q&A

1. What inspired you to start writing?

I’m an avid reader and I absolutely love reading erotic romance novels. I’ve read many that were totally awesome but some that were kinda lacking too. I’ve always had my own stories going on in my head and one day the idea popped into my head to turn one of them into an ER. It didn’t turn out too badly and a friend of mine who read it encouraged me to keep working at it and look into getting my books published.

2. Where do the ideas for your stories come from?

Just about anywhere – songs, people around me, items on the news etc. I can think about an issue, observe a situation, or even hear about an incident that triggers the plot of a story in my head.

3. How much real life do you put into or influences your books?

Quite a bit. Well not so much my own real life but situations in the lives of others around me naturally end up in my stories one way or the other.

4. What genre have you always wanted to write, but haven’t tried?

I’ve always wanted to try the supernatural/paranormal romance thing. I love Sci-Fi books and movies but I’m not sure I’d be able to pull it off. Still thinking about it though.

5. When writing, do you have a process? If so, care to share a little?

Oh yes. I sketch my ideas for the story concept and characters first. Then I make a general outline of the plot and setting. From there I just start writing as it comes to me, using my outline as a guide but making revisions as I go along. After that, I edit until I’m satisfied with what I have.

6. What is the hardest part of writing for you?

Action scenes are a killer, very difficult to conceptualize so that they come out seeming real. Ensuring that there are no loopholes in the plot is another difficult task. It’s pretty easy to start writing something, intending it to go one way then end up taking a totally different avenue and leaving loose ends that didn’t get tied up along the way.

7. When choosing the title for your book(s) do you have a process or do you wing it?

Not really a process but ultimately the title is hinged on the major issues that the story is centered around or maybe a major characteristic of one or more of the main characters.

8. Generally, how long does it take you to complete a book from idea to handing it over to your publisher?

Roughly 2 months, give or take and this is mainly because I don’t have time to write everyday being a mother, wife and work full time.

9. Do you ever use someone in your life as a sounding board for ideas or are you a lone wolf?

Oh yea, my bestie is with me all the way with all my books. My sleepless nights are her sleepless nights too, LOL

10. Is there any one (or more) author out there that has influenced your writing?

No, my writing style is mainly me and how I think and express myself.

11. Do you have any advice for new authors looking to make their own literary statement?

Just be you and do you. I’ve read a lot of writers and liked a lot of stuff but ultimately I wanted my books to sound and feel like me, not somebody else.

12. How many books have you written? Do you have a particular favorite?

I’ve completed only two, I’m working on three more. The first one, Playing for Keeps, is my fave so far but you never know, only time will tell.


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25 thoughts on “Kelsie Belle”

  1. JoAnne Myers said:

    Great interview. Its nice to find out more about you. Good luck with sales.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Marilyn swisher said:

    I’m going to love your books I can tell by what I just have read thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person
